Be yourself, be beautiful

Value Why Choose Curun?

Choose from any of our popular retro, antique, and lace kimonos! Personalize your look even further by adding optional accessories!

  1. 01

    Walking distance from Kiyomizu Temple and the Gion District

  2. 02

    Your choice of any of our new and trendy kimonos

  3. 03

    On-location photo shoots available
    *Reservation required

  4. 04

    We have everything you need

  5. 05

    Return it the next day for free

  6. 06

    Quick and easy online reservations

Price Plans

  • October-May 
  • June-September 
  • Ladies’ Kimono Plan


  • Reasonable Kimono Plan


  • Men’s Kimono Plan


  • Kids’ Plan


  • Ladies’ Yukata Plan


  • Ladies’ Summer Kimono Plan


  • Men’s Yukata Plan


  • Kids’ Plan


  • October-May 
  • June-September 


We offer a variety of options for those who want to look their best in a kimono, or who want to capture their memories of Kyoto in pictures.

  • Hair styling with


  • Accessory options


  • Large luggage


  • On-location photo




Discounts for savings on your kimono rental!
We also regularly post new coupons and special offers on our Instagram, so please check it often!

A special time to make
"kawaii" come true.

Be myself, be cute.

Flow The kimono rental process

An overview of the kimono rental process

  1. Step 01

    Make your reservation

  2. Step 02

    Come to our shop

  3. Step 03

    Select your kimono

  4. Step 04

    Put it on

  5. Step 05

    Make your payment


Can I change my plan on the day of my reservation?

Yes, you can change your plan after you arrive.

I’ve already decided which kimono I want to wear. Can you set it aside for me?

We do not offer reservations for kimonos or set them aside for customers.
Kimonos are available on a first-come-first-served basis. If there is a particular kimono you want to wear, we recommend scheduling an early reservation time. *Some kimonos may not be available due to cleaning or maintenance.

I’m not sure if I want to get my hair styled or not. Can I decide on the day of my reservation?

Yes, you may decide on whether to include hair styling when you arrive.



Curun Kyoto Kimono Rental

39-2 Bishamoncho,
Kyoto 605-0812
TEL:+81 075-531-5525

Business Hours/9:00 – 19:00